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Zucchini Pastry

Zucchini Pastry

Ingredients: 500 g grated pumpkin, 500 g dry dough (soaked by hand with water), 75 g melted butter, 150 g crushed walnut kernels, 150 g granulated sugar For syrup: 400 g granulated sugar 600 g water 25 g lemon juice Preparation: Put the grated pumpkin, powdered sugar and walnuts in a bowl and mix well. Grease a baking tray a little and cool a dough by shrinking it. Drizzle a little oil and spread the squash in it. Continue the process until the doughs are finished and grease the top of the last dough and bake it in the oven that has been brought to 180 degrees beforehand for 20-25 minutes. Cut it into a square shape close to cooling, and pour syrup (sugar and water are boiled until it thickens, then lemon juice is added). Cover it with a tray so that it absorbs the syrup. Then serve it in portions.

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